sarakārēra bibhinna sēbā ḍijiṭāla prayuktira sāhāyyē janagaṇēra kāchē sahajē paum̐chē ditē gata juna māsē cālu haẏēchē bānlādēśa jātīẏa tathya bātāẏana. Ēṭi āsalē 25 hājāra ōẏēbasā'iṭēra samanbaẏē tairi karā ēka ōẏēba pōrṭāla. Dr̥ṣṭinandana ē pōrṭālē janagaṇēra darakāri tathya kībhābē raẏēchē, ēṭā kataṭā byabahāra-bāndhaba, tathyē kataṭā samr̥d'dha—ēsaba niẏē ē'i paryālōcanā.
Janagaṇēra dōragōṛāẏa sarakāri sēbā paum̐chē ditē sarakāri pracēṣṭāra anśa hisēbē bānlādēśē biśbēra sabacēẏē baṛa ḍijiṭāla ōẏēba pōrṭāla cālu karā haẏēchē. Ēra nāma bānlādēśa jātīẏa tathya bātāẏana (www.Bangladesh.Gov.Bd). Gata 23 juna ē'i pōrṭālēra udbōdhana karē pradhānamantrīra tathyaprayuktibiṣaẏaka upadēṣṭā sajība ōẏājēda jaẏa balēchēna, ‘āmarā yācā'i karē dēkhēchi yē biśbēra an'ya kōnō dēśē sarakāri 25 hājāra ōẏēbasā'iṭa ēka jāẏagāẏa nē'i. Ēkamātra bānlādēśē āchē ēkhana.’ Tathya bātāẏanē tathya sannibēśita karāra 50 hājārēra bēśi sarakāri karmakartā praśikṣaṇa pēẏēchēna. Ēṭira parikalpanā ō bāstabāẏanēra dāẏitbē chila ayākasēsa ṭu inapharamēśana (ēṭu'ā'i) karmasūci. Balē rākhā bhālō www.Bangladesh.Gov.Bd ṭhikānāra ōẏēbasā'iṭa a̔āgē'ō chila. Tabē takhana ēra byāpti chila kama.
Udbōdhanī anuṣṭhānē āra'ō balā haẏēchē ē'i tathya bātāẏana pratidina 15 lākha mānuṣa dēkhēna. Ryāṅkiṁ ō janapriẏatā yācā'iẏēra ōẏēbasā'iṭa ayālēksāẏa (www.Alexa.Com) 23 julā'i rātē dēkhā yāẏa jātīẏa tathya bātāẏanēra abasthāna bānlādēśa thēkē dēkhā ōẏēbasā'iṭagulō madhyē 242 nambarē. Āra biśbē 82,835 nambara sthānē.
Sarakārēra icchē halō dēśēra nāgarikērā kr̥ṣi, śikṣā, sbāsthya, ā'ina, paryaṭana ityādi tathya pā'ōẏāra jan'ya jātīẏa tathya bātāẏanakē ‘ōẏāna sṭapa sārbhisa’ hisēbē byabahāra karabē. Balā hacchē śikṣāpratiṣṭhānēra bijñapti, gējēṭa, i-sēbā, sarakāri pharmasamūha, siṭijēna cārṭāra, bibhinna sarakāri pratiṣṭhānēra karmakartādēra tālikā, sāta lākhēra bēśi i-ḍirēkṭari, muktiyōd'dhādēra tālikā, sarakārēra unnaẏana karmakāṇḍa, janapratinidhidēra nāma, ṭhikānā, phōna nambara ityādi saba tathya'i ‘bānlādēśa jātīẏa tathya bātāẏana’-ē pā'ōẏā yābē. I'uniẏana paryāẏēra 4,550, upajēlā paryāẏēra 14,460, jēlā paryāẏēra 4032, bibhāga paryāẏēra 455, jēlā pariṣada paryāẏēra 64, upajēlā pariṣada paryāẏēra 488, mantraṇālaẏa-bibhāga paryāẏēra 55, adhidaptara paryāẏēra 345 ēbaṁ siṭi karapōrēśana ō paurasabhā paryāẏēra 414ṭi ōẏēbasā'iṭakē ēkasūtrē gēm̐thē jātīẏa tathya bātāẏana tairi karā haẏēchē. Ēmanaki bānlādēśakē biśba darabārē paricaẏa kariẏē ditē ēra ēkaṭi inrēji sanskaraṇa'ō āchē, yā praśansāra yōgya. Tabē tathya pradānēra kṣētrē bānlā ō inrēji sanskaraṇē garamila raẏēchē. Yēmana, bānlā sanskaraṇēra prathama pātāra mukhabandhē lēkhā raẏēchē: ‘Jātīẏa bātāẏanēra ā'ōtāẏa dēśēra sakala i'uniẏana, upajēlā, jēlā, bibhāga, adhidaptara, mantraṇālaẏasaha sakala sarakāri daptarēra jan'ya prāẏa 25 hājāra ōẏēba pōrṭāla (tathya bātāẏana) nirmāṇēra kāja sampanna haẏēchē. Saba daptarē pōrṭāla cālu halē janagaṇēra tathya ō sēbā prāpti āra'ō sahaja habē.’ An'yadikē, inrēji sanskaraṇē balā haẏēchē 25 hājārēra bēśi pōrṭāla tairi karā haẏēchē yā parīkṣāmūlaka (bēṭā sanskaraṇa) abasthāẏa raẏēchē. Ēbhābē purō bātāẏanajuṛē'i bānlā ō inrēji sanskaraṇēra tathya ō parisaṅkhyānē dēkhā yāẏa.
Jātīẏa tathya bātāẏanē anēka kichu thākalē'ō ēṭi byabahārabāndhaba naẏa. Arthāṯ ēṭi byabahāra karatē giẏē anēka dharanēra samasyāẏa paṛatē haẏa. Kōnō tathya kham̐ujē pā'ōẏā ēkhānē khaṛēra gādāẏa su'i khōm̐jāra matō. Tārapara yē tathyaṭi kham̐ujē pēlēna sēṭāra ōpara nirbhara karā yāẏa ki nā, sēṭā niẏē'ō sandēha dēkhā ditē pārē. Kāraṇa, pracura bhula tathya ō upātta raẏēchē. Ēkajana byabahārakārī yakhana ēkabāra ēkaṭā bhula tathya dēkhatē pāna, takhana sbābhābikabhābē'i an'yān'ya tathya niẏē manē praśna jāgē. Āra yakhana pātāẏa pātāẏa bhula tathyēra samārōha dēkhabēna takhana bujhabēna abasthāṭā kata gurutara.
Prathama pātāẏa baṛa karē lēkhā āchē 61ṭi mantraṇālaẏa ō bibhāga. Kintu bhētarē āchē 60ṭi. Ābāra 345ṭi adhidaptara ō an'yān'ya bāṭana ṭipē bhētarē gēlē pā'ōẏā yāẏa 353ṭi, yāra madhyē tathya kamiśana dubāra āchē. Mantraṇālaẏa, bibhāga bā adhidaptarēra nāmagulō barṇānukramikabhābē sājānō nā thākāẏa biśāla tālikā thēkē nijēra pachandēraṭi kham̐ujē pā'ōẏā duṣkara ō śramasādhya. Ābāra prathama pātāra anusandhānē likhē yē darakāriṭā kham̐ujē pābēna tā'ō naẏa. Pr̥thakabhābē kalāpāṛā, paṭuẏākhālī, kuẏākāṭā ityādi likhē sārca karē kichu'i pā'ōẏā yāẏani. Kaksabājāra likhē sārca karē śurutē'i ‘hāsapātālēra tālikā’ dēkhā gēchē. Āra tātē klika karāra para pā'ōẏā gēchē dēśēra bibhinna bibhāga ō jēlāra hāsapātālēra tālikā. Ē'i bātāẏana dharē āpanāra jēlā kimbā upajēlāẏa calē gēlē sēkhāna thēkē āra bātāẏanē phiratē pārabēna nā. Athaca ē'i suyōgaṭi anāẏāsē rākhā yēta.
Mōddā kathā, gurutbapūrṇa ō nāgarikasēbāra jan'ya anan'ya hatē pārata yē pōrṭālaṭi, sēṭi anēka ayatna āra abahēlāẏa tairi karā haẏēchē. Śudhu tathyēra saṭhikatā'i naẏa, tathyēra māna ō tathyabin'yāsa niẏē'ō haẏatō bhābēnani ē'i ōẏēbasā'iṭa nirmāṇēra saṅgē jaṛita byaktirā.
Tathyēra asaṅgati kataṭā āchē bōjhāra jan'ya bēchē niẏēchilāma paṭuẏākhālī jēlāra kalāpāṛā upajēlākē. Sēkhānē giẏē tō cakṣu caṛakagācha. I'uniẏana pariṣadagulōra (i'upi) cēẏāramyānadēra nāma, grāmēra nāma ō saṅkhyāẏa nānā asaṅgati raẏēchē. Tabē stambhita hatē haẏēchila i'uniẏana tathya ō sēbākēndrēra ōẏēbasā'iṭē giẏē. Dēkhalāma juna 2014-ēra śīrṣa 20 sēbādānakārī kēndrēra tālikāra śīrṣē thākā rājairēra iśibapura i'uniẏanēra āẏa halō ēka māsē 10 kōṭi 48 hājāra 875 ṭākā. Yā ēkakathāẏa asambhaba! Sabacēẏē kama āẏakārī halō ujirapurēra hāratā i'uniẏana. Tādēra āẏa halō 1,19,638 ṭākā. Ēka dinēra tālikāẏa dēkhā yāẏa nōẏākhālī sadarēra nōẏākhālī i'uniẏana āẏa karēchē 33,730 ṭākā. Āra 3 nambarē raẏēchē ‘ayāḍamina’. Tāra āẏa 12,070 ṭākā. Tāhalē bujhuna purō ōẏēbasā'iṭē ḍēṭā ēnṭri karāra abasthāṭi kī!
Āmādēra pratyāśā, sabāra milita cēṣṭāẏa niścaẏa'i ēkadina jātīẏa tathya bātāẏana uṯkr̥ṣṭamānēra ēkaṭi ōẏēba pōrṭālē pariṇata habē, yāra saṅkhya
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া নিয়ে নয় মান নিয়ে গর্ব করা যাবে। আর সাধারণ মানুষ সহজে সব দরকারি সেবা ও তথ্য এ পোর্টাল থেকে পাবে।
The incident of air conditioning
Bangladesh National Data Center has been launched in June to provide easy access to the public with the help of digital technology. It is actually a web portal made up of 25 thousand websites. This review of how people have useful information in this portal, how useful and friendly it is, how rich the information is.
As part of government efforts to reach government services at the doorstep of the people, the world's largest digital web portal has been launched. Its name is Bangladesh National Information Center ( Prime Minister's Information Technology Advisor Sajeeb Wazed Joy inaugurated the portal on June 23, saying, "We have verified that 25,000 government officials of the government of any other country in the world are not in the same place. There is only now in Bangladesh. "More than 50 thousand government officials have been trained to insert data into the information window. Access to Information (A2I) program was responsible for its planning and implementation. It was also good to go to address website. But then its range was low.
In the opening ceremony, more than 1.5 million people see this information daily. Ranking and popularity verification website Alexa ( can be seen on 23rd July at night, in the number of 242 of the national data on the number of websites seen from Bangladesh. And in the world 8,8835
The government wants the citizens to use the national information window as 'one stop service' for information on agriculture, education, health, law, tourism etc. It is said that all information related to education institutions, gazettes, e-services, government forms, citizen charter, list of officials of various government organizations, more than seven lakh e-directories, list of freedom fighters, government development activities, name of the public, address, phone number etc. Information window '. Union level 4,550, 14,460 upazila level 4032, division level 403, division level 455, district level level 64, upazila parishad level 488, ministry-division level 55, departmental level 345 and 414 websites of city corporation and municipal government Information has been made in the air conditioner. There is also an English version of introducing Bangladesh to the world court, which is worth appreciating. However, there is no compromise between Bangla and English versions for providing information. For example, the face of the first page of the Bengali edition says: "The work of construction of about 25 thousand web portals (information desk) for all government offices including all the unions, upazilas, districts, divisions, departments, ministries of the country has been completed under national funding. On the other hand, the availability of public information and services will be easier when the portal is launched at all the offices. "On the other hand, more than 25 thousand portals have been created in the English edition, which are in the experimental (beta version). In this way, both the Bengali and English editions of the whole of the book are seen in the statistics and statistics.
Although there is a lot of information in the national information system, it is not usable. That means there are many kinds of problems to use. Finding information is like finding a needle in the haystack. Then there can be doubts about whether the data can be recovered or not. Because, there are lots of misinformation and databases. When a user once sees a wrong information, then naturally the other information raises the question. And when you look at the wrong information on the page, then understand how serious the situation is.
The first page is written in 61 ministries and divisions. But there are 60. Again, 345 departments and other buttons were found by pressing 353, in which the Information Commission has twice. Because the names of the ministry, department or department are not sorted alphabetically, it is difficult and hard-to-find to find their own favorites from the huge list. Again, the first page search will not be able to find the address that you can find. Separately, Kalapara, Patuakhali, Kuakata etc were found by searching and found nothing. Cox's Bazar search by the beginning 'list of hospitals' was initially seen. And after clicking on it is found in the list of different departments and district hospitals in the country. If you go to your district or sub-district through this window, you will not be able to return to the country. But this opportunity could be kept in mind.
The portal, which could be unique to the important, important and citizen service, has been made in a lot of neglect and neglect. Not only the accuracy of the information, but also the people involved with the construction of this website may not have thought about data quality and information.
To understand the incompatibility of information, I chose Kalapara upazila of Patuakhali district to understand. I went there to see eyeballs. There are many inconsistencies in the name of the Union Parishad (UP), the name of the village and the number of people. But to be astounded, visiting the Union Information and Service Centers website. I saw the income of the capital city of Jessore in the top of the list of the top 20 service centers in June 2014, 10 million 48 thousand 875 rupees a month. Which is impossible! The lowest earner is Harita Union of Ujirpur. Their income is 1,19,638 taka. In one day's list, Noakhali Union's Noakhali Union earned Tk 33,730. And the number 3 is 'Admin'. His income is Tk 12070 So understand what the data entry data on the whole website!
Our expectation, with the combined efforts of all, one day the National Information Center will become a web portal of the best, whose number